Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I Feel a Blog Coming On....

Lovely afternoon, bought myself a pink mug with a ruffly edge (because pink is my favorite colour and because I don't think Scott would touch a frilly pink mug) and an issue of Southern Accents was waiting in my mailbox when I got home (thanks, Sis!). So I had afternoon tea with my new cup and a decorating magazine and some soft classical music in the background. Heaven.

It's funny, the small things that can make you happy. When you get right down to it, it usually is the small things, isn't it? A pink tea mug, a compliment from a friend, an hour to read a magazine without interruption, a funny thing the dog did or your spouse said.

Few and far between are the big joys --- the weddings, the births, the lottery winnings, the public accolades. But you can almost always count on something small to make you smile at least once in a day. I think the trick is to save them up, store them like acorns so you can find them when you need them.

As the saying goes, joy is in the connection, not perfection. How true.

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