Thursday, February 10, 2005

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart!

Posted by Hello

The heart itself is but a small vessel,
yet dragons are there, and there are also lions;
there are poisonous beasts and all the treasures of evil.

But there too is God, the angels,
the life and the kingdom,
the light and the apostles,
the heavenly cities and the treasuries of grace

-- all things are there.

Pseudo-Macarius (4th century monk)
The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and The Great Letter

PS Thank you for the brownies! Chocolate is definitely the way to this girl's heart. ; )


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Queenbee!

You're the sweetest honeybee in the world, and I'm so happy to jive in your hive!

QZB said...

Awwww. Yes, dear reader, I married him.

QZB said...

Sorry, just have to add one more comment.

My husband's initial reaction to this post was to look me in the eye with a gooey expression and whisper, "You quoted Pseudo-Macarius..."

Just try telling me I didn't marry my soul mate.

: )