Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This Week's Dream

Posted by Hello

Scott and I stayed at the Pink Motel this weekend, as we passed through the Smokey Mountains on our way home from Georgia. This motel is so cute, absolutely everything is pink --- exterior, carpeting, bedspreads, bathroom tile. It was FABULOUS! Built in the '50's, it's owned by the daughter of the original owner. My dream this week is to buy the Pink Motel when the current owner decides to retire, then I would make it a haven of kitschy good times. I would live in the Pink Motel for the rest of my life! Hurrah! Anyway, while I'm dreaming you can start planning your vacation to Cherokee, NC. The Smokies are beautiful, there are wedding chapels galore (why, I'm not sure; this region is apparently the Vegas of the Southeast), and you can honeymoon in the Pink Motel!

1 comment:

LeaDFW said...

Is that Tinkerbell on their sign?! How cute!