Friday, October 19, 2007

My Friend Sandy

So I was talking with my friend Sandy this morning. Sandy is a very dapper gentleman in his 80's, with a voice like Bing Crosby.

We pass the time sharing stories --- mostly Sandy's, because his are more interesting and he has more to tell. Sandy has pretty much been everywhere, seen everything, and met everyone. He's done more in his lifetime than just about anyone I've ever met or heard tell of, and he has a fantastic attitude.

And he's not one to rest on his laurels; he's still on the road every day selling, even learning a new product line to keep his competitive edge.

Well, this morning he gets up before dawn to walk his dog, and his wife tells him, you know, be safe, take your raincoat and watch out for schoolbuses.

He says, "Watch out for schoolbuses?? What am I, twelve??"

That just cracks me up.

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