Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Have Finally Found Something to Love About Georgia

Mind you, I haven't been outside the Augusta city limits, yet, so I'm working on pretty limited information. But so far I have not been that impressed (see previous entry re: enormous insects, ramshackle house, temperatures unfit for tropical beasts, etc.)

But then, I went to BoJangles. Then, I tasted of the Tree of the Knowledge of Cinnamon and Icing. For lo, I had eaten a BoJangles cinnamon biscuit.

And it was good.

Actually, I think BoJangles is spelled more like "B*jangles" with a star or something where the "O" should be, but that makes it like I'm trying to curse and be coy at the same time, so, you know, fuck it.

But those cinnamon biscuits are pure heroin. And let me point out that you can buy two for one dollar! Of course, I can actually HEAR my pancreas secreting insulin when I'm eating them, but damn they are good.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm hungry now. I hope you're happy.

And I can't get cinnamon biscuits way the hell up here in Yankee Land.