Sunday, July 31, 2005

My Dog Hates You

Here is an interesting site, for anyone who has ever wondered if animals can, or should, be included in the birthing process:

Some very touching stories.

I'd like to point out, however, that you'll notice there were no stories about "my Chihuahua was adorably sweet with the baby and couldn't wait to be a second mother to him", because I'll bet you that has never in the history of Chihuahuas happened.

Probably more like "my Chihuahua threatened my baby with prison rape if it so much as looked at me, and it also claimed all my breastmilk as its own on the premise that everything about me is property first of the Chi."

At least, that's what my dog did.

Okay, it wasn't a baby. It was my husband.

And it wasn't exactly prison rape, so much as a sharp nip on the wrist. We are all still trying to learn to get along here; eventually, one of them will make the other one his bitch, then we'll all be back to normal.


I hope....

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