Saturday, July 02, 2005


Sometime I run across things in my travels that makes me feel like there is simply no hope for mankind. And I have to say it really, really depresses me.

For example, I was doing a quite innocuous search of the internet for a Miskatonic University tee shirt. I've been shopping around for one for a coupla years and just haven't found one I like, so I thought I'd give another try tonite. Sadly, TWO of the shirts on offer that turned up in tonite's search were from white supremacist groups.

Gack. I know Lovecraft was xenophobic and an anti-Semite, BUT he was the product of an era that still believed Irish and Italians were dirty foreigners, for cryin' out loud. I just don't understand how people can still believe this shit today, and how they can annex the creation of a great --- but sadly misguided --- writer to support their beliefs.

So, um, the other shirt that caught my eye before I made my hasty exit was one emblazoned with "I LOVE MY PIT BULL". Poor dog.

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