Monday, April 25, 2005

Interpret My Dream

This oughta be good.....

Ok, so last night I dreamt that I was wandering through this big hotel. I was looking for a man about getting a job. I was dressed respectably, but shabbily; if I didn't find this person to talk about this job I was going to be out on the street, and I was desperate and terrified, but I could not find my way to where I was supposed to talk to this person.

Suddenly, I bumped into Jennifer Aniston. I asked her several times, with increasing urgency, to help me contact this man I was supposed to see about the job. She pretty much blew me off, like she had her own problems (you know, Brad) and just couldn't be bothered with mine. Then she swept off with her entourage and her glittery evening gown, and just left me standing there.

I was so frustrated and frantic I just wanted to cry. Then it was like I was looking back on myself, and I was Jennifer Aniston!

I have a few ideas about this, but I'm interested to hear what you think.

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