Friday, December 30, 2005

Pack of angry Chihuahuas attack officer in Fremont

Friday, December 30, 2005
(12-30) 08:56 PST Fremont, Calif. (AP) --

A pack of angry Chihuahuas attacked a police officer who was escorting a teenager home following a traffic stop, authorities said.

The officer suffered minor injuries including bites to his ankle on Thursday when the five Chihuahuas escaped the 17-year-old boy's home and rushed the officer in the doorway, said Fremont detective Bill Veteran.

The teenager had been detained after the traffic incident, Veteran said.

The officer was treated at a local hospital and returned to work less than two hours later, Veteran said.

It was the third time this month a Fremont officer was bitten by a dog while on duty. Neither of the other officers were seriously injured.


Honestly, you really don't want to fuck with those little guys. They are FIERCE, god bless their tiny hearts.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh what I would give for film footage.