Friday, October 30, 2009

The Chihuahua is Still Cross

Right. It's been a long, loooong year.

Not a great excuse for being absent for 18 months, I know, but it's the god's honest truth.

In that time, we sold the dream house, bought ANOTHER house, went through two sets of tenants at our starter house, lived separate but equal lives in two different states, added a third dog to the mix, disposed of approximately half of our worldly goods under the misguided impression that we would be moving to Texas, did NOT move to Texas, then collapsed under the weight of our own hubris and decided to just give up, give in, and leave it all up to fate.

Mr. Bee is alternately loving and hating life as a big city attorney. I'm unemployed and feeling strangely conflicted about it. The dogs are sleeping and farting about as much as usual.

Life goes on.