Friday, December 30, 2005

Pack of angry Chihuahuas attack officer in Fremont

Friday, December 30, 2005
(12-30) 08:56 PST Fremont, Calif. (AP) --

A pack of angry Chihuahuas attacked a police officer who was escorting a teenager home following a traffic stop, authorities said.

The officer suffered minor injuries including bites to his ankle on Thursday when the five Chihuahuas escaped the 17-year-old boy's home and rushed the officer in the doorway, said Fremont detective Bill Veteran.

The teenager had been detained after the traffic incident, Veteran said.

The officer was treated at a local hospital and returned to work less than two hours later, Veteran said.

It was the third time this month a Fremont officer was bitten by a dog while on duty. Neither of the other officers were seriously injured.


Honestly, you really don't want to fuck with those little guys. They are FIERCE, god bless their tiny hearts.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Et tu, Scott? or Why Women Shouldn't Run the Gift Exchange

Scott and I were driving to the far side of town, in a frenzy of last minute Christmas shopping. HIS last minute shopping, mind you, because I finished mine before we moved in August. (I'm annoying like that.)

We were shopping for his office gift exchange, which operates like a White Elephant or Yankee Swap. On the way, we discussed various items that might be nice and still within the budget of ten dollars. Time and again I attempted to steer him towards gender neutral gifts, such as BBQ tools and hot sauce, or at least a DVD that might appeal to a man.

Finally, Scott asked me why I was so insistent on this point, to which I replied that guys always get short-shrifted with the whole gift exchange thing, because women always buy for other women, and the guys get stuck with potpourri and body lotion or Christmas decorations.

I personally witnessed a man at my former place of employment end up with an item we "affectionately" called Strip-Search-Santa, and I will note that he never even took it home; it just drifted around the office all year long, assaulting the eyes of everyone unfortunate to run across it. Mind you, a woman would have thought it was cute; a man, not so much.

The following year another man was blessed with a pink Disney Princess Tree, a gift all the women thought was absolutely hilarious, but again, men don't share the same sense of humor. At least he had a small daughter he was able to take the tree home to.

Scott nodded knowingly as I relayed these horror stories. "Yeah, I'll never forget the year I got CANDLES in my gift exchange, I..." He stopped in horror, with the sudden realization that he had already revealed far, far too much.

"Hey....HEY! Are you telling me that those candles you gave me that year...the candles I thought were so beautiful and thoughtful...were a RE-GIFT???" I shouted in disillusionment.

He hung his head and shame, then took me shopping for new lingerie to make up for his faux pas. The truth is, I still really liked the candles. I just wanted new lingerie. Shhhhh....

; )

Saturday, December 10, 2005